Saturday, May 19, 2012

Curly hair is in .......straight is out

  curly is in............................straight is out.
today I will be posting about whats in and whats out . So you wanna know whats in well its curly hair don't bore up your spring and summer with your flat straight hair ....mix it up with curly,vibrant,bouncy, hair curly hair is now in for summer. Will you mix it or will u bore it up so get your curlers girls and curl up your hair to have the funnest summer ever not a not so bummmer summer with curly hair!!!!! thanks guys!!!! xoxoxoxoxo,micky will be post everyday and weekly now so stay in tune.enjoy!



  2. Yep. Curly hair is definitely in. Nothing beats having full curly hair in the Spring/Summer season.
